Dog‑friendly services in Yorkshire and the Humber
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Target Housing Doncaster Complex Needs
Dogs Trust endorsed
Heaven's Walk
Telephone: 0330 202 0403
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Vulnerable adults with complex needs
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: Local authority
Target Housing Doncaster Housing First Project
Dogs Trust endorsed
Heaven's Walk
Telephone: 0330 202 0403
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Adults with complex needs and a history of homelessness/RS
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: Local authority
Riverside Care and Support - The Crossings
55-65 Great Union Street
Kingston Upon Hull
Telephone: 01482 598370
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Individuals who may present with complex needs and problems eg alcohol abuse and mental health problems. Local connection to Hull required. Can accept up to 2 people with dogs. Can accommodate one couple.
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: Accept self referrals and referrals from any agency, including the local authority. Phone to see if there are vacancies. If so, will arrange to see prospective resident same day and conduct preliminar
North Yorkshire
Changing Lives - Union Terrace
Single Access Point York
YO31 7ES
Telephone: 01904 630500
Gender: Mixed and men only
Target/Group: Single homeless people with a local connection to York. Applicants without a local connection can be supported whilst appropriate accommodation is found.
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: Direct access
City of York Council - Homelessness Housing Schemes
City of York Council
West Offices
Station Rise
Telephone: 01904 554550
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Accept 16 and 17 year old young people. Accept couples and people with children.
Age range: 16+
Referral procedure: Housing schemes
Peasholme Resettlement Centre
Telephone: 01904 551901
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Single homeless people with support needs and a local connection to York. Accepts young people and couples. Medium support.
Age range: 16+
Referral procedure: Agency referrals
Broadacres HA - The Crossing Young People's Pathway
Homeless Options Team
Hambleton District Council
Stone Cross
Telephone: 01609 779977
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Single homeless or in danger of becoming Homeless. Accommodation is suitable for single parents or couples. No Dogs due to single door entrance. All needs considered.
Age range: 18-25
Referral procedure: All referrals must go through the HUB however all referrals are considered including self- referrals. A time-out or CYPS worker will then complete an assessment of needs, this will then be authorised
Target Housing - First Steps Hostel
Dogs Trust endorsed
60 Queens St
S65 2SZ
Telephone: 0330 202 0403
Gender: Men
Target/Group: Rough Sleepers/ currently or at risk of rough sleeping
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: Local authority - Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council
Target Housing - Rotherham AST Project
Dogs Trust endorsed
50 Moorgate St
S60 2EY
Telephone: 0330 202 0403
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: vulnerable and homeless individuals, including those with complex needs and a local connection to Rotherham
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: Local authority - Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council
Target Housing - Rotherham Complex Needs
Dogs Trust endorsed
50 Moorgate St
S60 2EY
Telephone: 0330 202 0403
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Individuals who have a history of or are at risk of offending, with a local connection to Rotherham
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: Probation services/Local Authority
Target Housing - Rotherham Housing First
Dogs Trust endorsed
50 Moorgate St
S60 2EY
Telephone: 03
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Individuals who have multiple and complex needs and have experienced entrenched and repeat homelessness
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: Referrals to the service can be made via Professionals and Partner Agencies. Housing First also accepts
Target Housing - South Yorkshire Safe Options Project/Rotherham Rise
Dogs Trust endorsed
50 Moorgate St
S60 2EY
Telephone: 0330 202 0403
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: adults and children who have been affected by domestic abuse
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: Local authority/health & social services/police/partner organisations
Salvation Army - Charter Row Centre
126 Charter Row
S1 4HR
Telephone: 0114 272 5158
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Single homeless people aged 18+ including older people and people with special needs. No local connection required.
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: Quick access
St Anne's Community Services - Bevin Court
Housing Solutions, Floor 3
Howden House
1 Union Street
S1 2SH
Telephone: 0114 2736306
Gender: Men
Target/Group: Single homeless men. Priority given to those with a local connection Sheffield. Can accept people with dogs.
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: All referrals must come via Housing Solutions. Telephone: the Housing Options Advice Line on 0114 2736306 during office hours Monday - Friday 8.30-5pm. In case of an emergency out of hours please call
Target Housing - Lift Project (formerly MHLD)
Dogs Trust endorsed
28 Wilkinson St
S10 2GB
Telephone: 0330 202 0403
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: people experiencing mental health difficulties and/or those who have a learning difficulty.
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: Local authority through Sheffield City Council Independence and Support Framework
Target Housing - Safe Zones
Dogs Trust endorsed
28 Wilkinson St
S10 2GB
Telephone: 0330 202 0403
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: M+F & GBT+ (gay, bisexual, trans, and all minority sexual and gender identities)Working in partnership with IDAS (Independent Domestic Abuse Service) to provide emergency temporary accommodation to people fleeing domestic abuse.
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: Local authority/Police/Health & Social Care/ Direct Access
Target Housing - Sheffield Accommodation Project
Dogs Trust endorsed
28 Wilkinson St
S10 2GB
Telephone: 0330 202 0403
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Accommodation and support for vulnerable and homeless individuals, including those with complex needs. Must have a local connection to Sheffield
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: Local authority Sheffield City Council through the Sheffield Housing Pathway (0114 273 6306 or via email on between 8:30am and 5:00pm weekdays). If you require
Target Housing - Thrive Project
Dogs Trust endorsed
28 Wilkinson St
S10 2GB
Telephone: 0330 202 0403
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Vulnerable adults with complex needs who have experienced homelessness with physical and/or mental health needs requiring ongoing or life-long support
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: Local authority, health or social care sector and direct referrals
Riverside - Marsh Way House
10 Arundel Close
Telephone: 01924 385722
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Single homeless people with support needs.
Age range: 16+
Referral procedure: Referrals are welcome from any agency. Referrals are required to be made via Wakefield Councils Single Point of Access.
City of York Council - Howe Hill Hostel for Young People
136 Acomb Road
YO24 4HA
Telephone: 01904 553 141
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Young people aged 16-25. Must have a local connection to York. 21 to 25 must have a specific vulnerability as to why adult service may not be appropriate. Can accept people with dogs.
Age range: 16-25
Referral procedure: All referrals through the single access point -
Howe Hill Hostel for Young People
136 Acomb Road
YO24 4HA
Telephone: 01904 553 141
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Young homeless people. Must have a local connection. Accept couples.
Age range: 16-25
Referral procedure: Agency referrals, direct access
Harbour Place Grimsby
Hope Street
DN32 7QL
Telephone: 01472 355234
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: People sleeping on the streets of North East Lincolnshire. Priority to people from North East Lincolnshire. Can accept people with dogs.
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: Must be registered as a client at Harbour Place Day Centre. Out of hours referrals can only be made through the Home Options Team on 01472 313131 who will liaise with Harbour Place about any potential
Riverside - The Beacon
Marne Road
Catterick Garrison
Telephone: 01748 833797
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Single homeless ex-service personnel with support needs. No local connection required. Will accept therapy dogs.
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: Accept referrals from SPACES (Single Persons Accommodation Centre for the Ex-Services). Applicants can refer themselves to SPACES. Phone Mon-Fri 9am-5pm.

Dogs Trust is working in partnership with Homeless UK to provide this directory of dog-friendly homelessness services. Homeless UK provides information on more than 9,000 homelessness services and is run by Homeless Link, the national charity supporting people and organisations working directly with people who become homeless in England.