Dog‑friendly services in the West Midlands
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Birmingham City Council
Salvation Army - William Booth Centre (Birmingham)
The Salvation Army - William Booth Centre
B4 6HA
Telephone: 0121 236 6554
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: People aged over 21 who are vulnerable, in need of support and are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.
Age range: 21+
Referral procedure: Discuss referrals with any agency.
Trident Reach - Helen Dixon Hub
76 Alcester Road
B13 8BB
Telephone: 01214 493748
Gender: Women
Target/Group: Women aged over 25 who are homeless, at risk of homelessness or in housing need. No local connection required. Engaging with Support Agencies. Can accept people with dogs.
Referral procedure: Accept self referrals and referrals from any agency.
Trident Reach - Park Road
25 - 29 Park Road
B13 8AH
Telephone: 0121 226 5809
Gender: Men
Target/Group: Single homeless males with low to medium support needs. Males only. 2 Couple rooms which will allow female/male, male/male couples. 2 Dog rooms
Age range: 25+
Referral procedure: All referrals considered, email with enquiries (
Coventry City Council
Salvation Army - Harnall Lifehouse
Harnall Lifehouse, Harnall Mane West
Telephone: 024 77714443
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Single homeless people. Must have a local connection to Coventry. Dogs will be accepted with vaccination certificates and are homeless with their owner. Accept people with complex needs.
Age range: 25+
Referral procedure: Accept self referrals and referrals from any agency. Clients to attend Steps for Change to complete a referral for suitable accommodation at Harnall or Axholme, we are also Direct Access.
West Midlands
St Anne's Accommodation
112 Moseley Street
B12 0RY
Telephone: 0121 772 4406
Gender: Men
Target/Group: Direct access accommodation for single homeless men. Have 8 rooms allocated for men with dogs in the main hostel. Client group varies- substance misuse, ex-offenders, mental health.
Age range: 25-70
Referral procedure: Accept self-referrals and referrals from all outside agencies, homeless services, prisons, social services, mental health services, hospitals, neighbourhood offices, drug services, police and probatio
St Paul's House Worcester
1 Tallow Hill
Telephone: 01905 722589
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Single homeless people, including rough sleepers. No local connection required. No dogs allowed and assessed on a case by case basis.
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: Accept referrals from any agency or local authority. Will accept referrals directly from prison.

Dogs Trust is working in partnership with Homeless UK to provide this directory of dog-friendly homelessness services. Homeless UK provides information on more than 9,000 homelessness services and is run by Homeless Link, the national charity supporting people and organisations working directly with people who become homeless in England.