Dog‑friendly services in the North East
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County Durham
DASH - Vulnerable Women's Project
Telephone: 0191 3845073
Gender: Women
Target/Group: Vulnerable single homeless women with complex support needs. Priority given to people with a local connection to County Durham. Can accept people with dogs.
Age range: 16-65
Referral procedure: Accept self referrals, or referrals from any agency. An online referral can be made at any time, alternatively phone Mon-Fri 9am-4pm or email for details.
RSAP Lincoln
Dogs Trust endorsed
54-55 South Park
Telephone: 07977184858
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: temporary accommodation for rough sleepers or those with a history of Rough sleeping and a local connection
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: Referral via council
North Lincolnshire
Framework Cross St T
Dogs Trust endorsed
Cross Street
DN21 2AX
Telephone: 0115 850 4159
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: individuals experiencing homelessness
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: Referral through Local Authority
StopGap Supported Housing - Dean Street
4-5 Dean Street
NE46 1HG
Telephone: 01434 602175
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Single homeless people with medium support needs. No local connection required.
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: Agency referrals, direct access
Salvation Army - Swan Lodge Lifehouse
Swan lodge
Telephone: 0191 565 5411
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Single homeless men and women 18+ with Multiple support needs. No local connection required. No couples
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: Non Commissioned service so we will accept referrals from any local authority - Direct Access also welcome.

Dogs Trust is working in partnership with Homeless UK to provide this directory of dog-friendly homelessness services. Homeless UK provides information on more than 9,000 homelessness services and is run by Homeless Link, the national charity supporting people and organisations working directly with people who become homeless in England.