Dog‑friendly services in the East of England
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HARP supported accommodation and Bradbury Day Centre
Dogs Trust endorsed
The Bradbury Centre,
103-107 York Rd,
Telephone: 01702430696
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Single adults experiencing homelessness. Low, medium and high supported accommodation with a mix of self-contained and shared accommodation. There is also Bradbury day centre that provides a range of services for people experiencing homelessness in Southend.
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: Direct access, outreach referrals, local authority referrals or 3rd party support agencies can all refer to HARP.
Braintree District Council
Salvation Army - New Direction
25-27 Bocking End
Telephone: 01376 553373
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Single homeless people with support needs. Priority will be given to those with a local connection to Essex. Can accept couples in a shared room. Can accommodate two people with a dog.
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: Accept self referrals and referrals from any agency within the local and surrounding area. Phone or call in daily 24 hours. Application form filled in by referring agency prior to interview. Require p
Cambridge Cyrenians - Long Stay Accommodation
Telephone: 01223 712501
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Older single homeless people in need of a long term support. Applicants must have a local connection. we have various properties focusing on specific groups including womens, older peoples and offenders. Can accept people with dogs.
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: Referrals are agency only through the Streets to Homes Partnership, made through local policy.
Cambridge Cyrenians - Short Stay Accommodation
4 Short Street
Telephone: 01223 712501
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Single homeless people. Must have a local connection to Cambridge City. Can accept one resident with a dog.
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: Referrals are agency only through the Streets to Homes Partnership, made through local policy.
Emmaus Cambridge
Green End
CB25 9FD
Telephone: 01223 863657 ext 223
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Supports up to 44 formerly homeless people aged 18 and above. Can accept people with dogs.
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: Accept self referrals and referrals from any agency. Mon-Sat 9am to 5pm, email or write in for an application form or download it from the website. Form completed by applicant or referral agency prior
It Takes A City - Crossways
Dogs Trust endorsed
176 Chesterton Road
Telephone: 01223 366 292
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Single homeless people; street homeless
Age range: 18-64
Referral procedure: Referral from Street Outreach Team / can accept if no local connection
Jimmy's Cambridge
1 East Road
Telephone: 01223 576085
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Single homeless people. No local connection required. Can accept people with dogs. Priority given to rough sleepers who are locally connected.
Age range: 18-65
Referral procedure: Accept self-referrals and referrals from local Partner agencies. People need to be verified as rough sleeping by the street outreach team who will then assess the individual and then go onto a waiting
Jimmy's Cambridge - Controlled Drinkers' Service
451 Newmarket Road
Telephone: 01223 365825
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Single people with alcohol issues and agreed recovery treatment plan. Must have a local connection to the area. Can accept people with dogs.
Age range: 18-65
Referral procedure: Accept referrals from any agency. All referrals via allocations and resettlement meeting. Phone 9am-5pm. Interview and regular visits prior to uptake of accommodation. Need NI number for housing benef
Riverside Care and Support - Victoria Road
Cambridge City Council - Housing Advice Service, Mandela House
Regent St
Telephone: 01223 352718
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Single homeless people with support needs. Applicants must have a local connection to Cambridge City.
Age range: 18-65
Referral procedure: Accept referrals from agencies attending the weekly allocations panel. Includes those working with people in prisons. Named agency referrals only. Referral through shared local database. Interview and
Diss Town Council
Solo Housing - Norfolk Support Service
12a Nicholas Street
IP22 4LB
Telephone: 01379 640250
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Low needs single homeless people with low to medium support needs e.g. ex-offenders or people with alcohol, drug or mental health problems or other issues causing vulnerability. Local connection not required. Pets by permission.
Age range: 18-65
Referral procedure: SNDC and Broadland, Breckland Council, Probation Services, Criminal Justice System including prisons. You can download a solo application form from our website Submit a completed Ho
DENS - The Elms Hostel
DENS Day Centre
Bury Lodge
1 Queensway
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Single homeless people. Local connection required. Can accept people with dogs.
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: No self referrals, if wanting to self refer must go through the DENS day centre, referrals taken from all agencies. Referrals taken in person at DENS Day centre daily between 10am-4pm. Contact The Elm
The Elms - Dens
Redbourn Road
Hemel Hempstead
Telephone: 01442 800131
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Single homeless people. Local connection required.
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: Referral via agency or self-referral via day centre
King's Lynn Winter Night Shelter
King's Lynn Night Shelter
St John's House
Blackfriars Road
King's Lynn
PE30 1NT
Telephone: 01553 776109
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Anyone presenting homeless with nowhere safe to stay. Can accept people with dogs.
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: Welcomes referrals from other organisations working with the homeless including police referrals, probation services, hospital discharge and prison release: please contact us for a referral form. We a
St Martins Community Homes
Dogs Trust endorsed
Telephone: 01603 984694
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Single adults experiencing homelessness with support needs
Referral procedure: Second stage accommodation referral from Bishopbridge House required
St Martins Housing Trust - Bishopbridge House
Dogs Trust endorsed
45 William Kett Close
Gas Hill
Telephone: 01603 666563
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Single homeless people with support needs. Local connection preferred. Can accept people with dogs.
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: Direct access
Empanda YPS - Stalham Foyer
25 Allen Meale Way
NR12 9JJ
Telephone: 01692 584946
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Young single homeless people and those threatened with homelessness. No local connection required. No dogs/pets.
Age range: 16-25
Referral procedure: Accept self referrals and referrals from any agency. See website for details and referral form. Ring project direct for referral form to be emailed. Young person is invited to look around and attend i
Salvation Army - Lyndon House Lifehouse
Ipswich Borough Council - Housing Options
Telephone: 01473 907904
Gender: Men
Target/Group: Single homeless males with support needs. Can accommodate two males with a dog. Referrals from HRS access Suffolk.
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: Accept referrals from Suffolk HRS access
Dogs Trust is working in partnership with Homeless UK to provide this directory of dog-friendly homelessness services. Homeless UK provides information on more than 9,000 homelessness services and is run by Homeless Link, the national charity supporting people and organisations working directly with people who become homeless in England.