Dog‑friendly services in East London
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One Housing Group - Young People's Assessment & Support Service
c/o LB Tower Hamlets HOST
Albert Jacob House,
62 Roman Road
E2 0PG
Telephone: 020 7364 7151
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Young single people aged 16-25 with low-high support needs who are homeless, care leavers, inadequately housed or at risk. Must have local connection to LB Tower Hamlets. Can accept people with dogs.
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: Only accept referrals via Tower Hamlets HOST. Do not accept self referrals.
St Mungo's - Church Walk
c/o Greenhouse
19 Tudor Rd
E9 7SN
Telephone: 020 7249 5294
Gender: Women
Target/Group: SH/RS comissioned services, access through the GH based on a residency criteria being met and with appropriate support needs. Can accept people with dogs.
Age range: 17-65
Referral procedure: All referrals via the Greenhouse Hackney homeless patients surgery.
St Mungo's - Mare Street Hostel
146 Mare Street
E8 3SG
Telephone: 020 8525 7700
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: SH/RS comissioned services, access through the GH based on a residency criteria being met and with appropriate support needs. Can accept people with dogs.
Age range: 18-65
Referral procedure: Accept referrals approved by LB of Hackney only. All referral agents must go through the local Housing Option Team first.
Tower Hamlets
Providence Row HA - Dellow Centre Supported Accommodation
London Borough of Tower Hamlets HOST
Albert Jacob House
62 Roman Road
E2 0PG
Telephone: 020 38418016
Gender: Men
Target/Group: For clients with medium to high support needs; the main hostel focuses on providing person centred support around enablement / re-enablement with regard to independent living, social skills, and meaningful use of time (in relation to education, training, volunteering and employment. Can accept people with dogs.
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: All referrals via LB Tower Hamlets HOST or SORT.
Providence Row HA - Edward Gibbons House
20 Garford Street
Gender: Women
Target/Group: People aged 18 or over who are homeless and have high support needs around substance and alcohol use. Priority given to those with a local connection to LB Tower Hamlets. Registered service with CQC.
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: All referrals via LB Tower Hamlets HOST or SORT
Queen Victoria Seamen's Rest (not an LBTH commissioned service)
c/o LB Tower Hamlets HOST
Albert Jacob House
62 Roman Road
E2 0PG
Telephone: 020 7364 7151
Gender: Men
Target/Group: Male retired and active seafarers, ex-services personnel and single homeless men with low support needs. No local connection required.
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: Accept referrals from any agency via LB Tower Hamlets HOST.
Salvation Army - Riverside Complex (Tower Hamlets)
c/o LB Tower Hamlets HOST
Albert Jacob House
62 Roman Road
E2 0PG
Telephone: 020 7364 7151
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Women who have been sleeping rough with an identifiable support need who are prepared to participate in a structured programme/s. Can accommodate up to two women with dogs. Applicants must have a local connection to London Borough of Tower Hamlets.
Age range: 18-65
Referral procedure: All referrals must go via HOST, via Tower Hamlets housing options team.
Salvation Army - The Founders House
c/o LB Tower Hamlets HOST
Albert Jacob House
62 Roman Road
E2 0PG
Telephone: 020 7364 7151
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Men who have been sleeping rough with an identifiable support need who are prepared to participate in a structured programme/s. Can accommodate up to three men with dogs. Applicants must have a local connection to London Borough of Tower Hamlets.
Age range: 50+
Referral procedure: Accept agency referrals via LB Tower Hamlets HOST. Phone Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Application form completed by referral agency. Interview. Require proof of ID, eg birth certificate, medical card. Also requir

Dogs Trust is working in partnership with Homeless UK to provide this directory of dog-friendly homelessness services. Homeless UK provides information on more than 9,000 homelessness services and is run by Homeless Link, the national charity supporting people and organisations working directly with people who become homeless in England.